Topic: Transformation

“Ebbs and Flows”

Each year, Unitarian Universalists around the country mark the start of a new year with the ritual of Water Communion, where we remember that even though water can be a source of destruction, it can also be a source of healing and renewal. In song and silence and ritual, we will welcome in a new … Continue reading “Ebbs and Flows”

“Becoming Beloved”

Our Universalist roots call us to an embracing, all-encompassing, salvific Love. This universal love meets us where we are and crucially also asks us to grow more whole through our encounters with each other. To embody this love, we must transform and be transformed by our commitments to lift each other up, to seek liberation … Continue reading “Becoming Beloved”

“Forgiving As We Go”

We are becoming something new, something we haven’t quite imagined yet. And in the process of becoming, we are going to bump heads and make mistakes. What could it look like to center forgiveness as we move in these uncharted waters? Who might we become with grace as our guide? Video Link

“Sweat the Small Stuff”

In this feel-good society, where the small stuff rolls off our backs, where anger and sorrow are considered wrong, unproductive, and harmful. Not sweating the small stuff has led to a feeling of uselessness and hopelessness and we have been patiently waiting for someone bigger than ourselves to pick up the reigns and make people … Continue reading “Sweat the Small Stuff”

“An 8th Principle for Unitarian Universalism”

Unitarian Universalism covenants around 7 principles that guide our lives and encourage us toward spiritual deepening. In 2013 Black UU leaders and theologians proposed an 8th principle to guide us toward more intentional racial justice work in our congregations. Let’s learn and reflect together on this new principle and how it might bring our congregation … Continue reading “An 8th Principle for Unitarian Universalism”

“Imagine That”

Margaret Wheatley writes, “In this new world, you and I make it up as we go along, not because we lack expertise or planning skills, but because that is the nature of reality.” Is the life you have the one you imagined? How does our collective imagination shape the world we build together? Let us … Continue reading “Imagine That”

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

In this sermon I will talk about what has been accomplished by the congregation over the last year and what we hope to accomplish in the year ahead. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

People of Transformation

Our worship theme this month asks, “What does it mean to be a community of transformation?” Join us this week as we reflect on the only constant in the universe–Change.

Radical Transformation

Radical Transformation: Our Annual Flower Communion Service and Celebration of the Season for All Ages The Easter story is a story of transformation. In this season of new life and renewal, we celebrate the gift of life and the transforming power of love. Our worship will include a special message for all ages, the giving … Continue reading Radical Transformation