Topic: Story

“Seven Principles, Seven Pandemics, Many Stories: A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service”

The YOUUTH Group will lead this powerful worship service exploring how our UU principles speak to big issues facing our world. The kids in the morning CYRE Group will share a story for all ages that they wrote and illustrated. Our young people will be supported in their ministry by Erin Reid, DRE, Harper Goodman, … Continue reading “Seven Principles, Seven Pandemics, Many Stories: A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service”

“Mother’s Day for Peace”

This Mother’s Day, join us for a service that explores the history of this celebration, honors the tension and complexity of this day, and celebrates the ways that we all can engage with love and nurturing. This Sunday we will also welcome three new members into our church family! Video Link

“Lessons and Losses”

A year ago today, we closed the doors of our church and went online for our first virtual service. After 52 Sundays of choosing love, safety, and commitment, we are here, holding our lessons and our losses so tenderly. In this service, we will reflect on this unprecedented year and hear from one another about … Continue reading “Lessons and Losses”

“Loved Into Being: A Stewardship Service”

Faith in Unitarian Universalism isn’t an intellectual exercise: it’s “heart” work. This full-length worship experience features a sermon by UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, as well as vibrant music, storytelling, and other worship elements that will help us to grow in spirit, in courage, and in generosity. Join us for this Stewardship Adventure. Video Link

Christmas Pageant

Each winter our children in our CYRE program put on a pageant to retell the ancient story of a baby in a manger. This year will be a pageant like no other as we adapt this tradition and Joyce Poley’s beautiful pageant to fit our online world. Despite many things being different this Holiday season, … Continue reading Christmas Pageant

“Remembrance Sunday”

Across culture and religious tradition, at this time of the year people of faith honor those who have died and connect more deeply with their ancestors. In this year where we have experienced so much death and grief, we need now more than ever space and time to hold the memory of those beloveds lost. … Continue reading “Remembrance Sunday”