Topic: Stillness

“Labor and Rest”

On this Labor Day weekend, Rev. Jaimie will reflect on Labor Movements, finding meaning in our work, and the importance of rest. We will also have a moment of blessing for our two new staff members, who begin their work with us this week! Video Link

“The Longest Night”

The Winter Solstice is the threshold where we pass from longer nights to longer days. This is a sweet and sacred time. In community we reflect and imagine as we cross this threshold together. Join us for this ritual of firelight, sharing, and song. Video Link

Christmas Pageant

Each winter our children in our CYRE program put on a pageant to retell the ancient story of a baby in a manger. This year will be a pageant like no other as we adapt this tradition and Joyce Poley’s beautiful pageant to fit our online world. Despite many things being different this Holiday season, … Continue reading Christmas Pageant

“The Earth Grows Still”

There is a welcome predictability in the ever-turning Earth. As we move toward the stillness of winter, what lessons can we learn from this planet we call home? What deep centering is possible when we pause and reflect in nature? Video Link