Topic: Stewardship

The Cost of Community

Video Available – We are well in the midst of our UUCH pledge season. In our community what we have is what we give, and what we spend is what we believe. Let’s explore how our money can be a reflection of our values….Let’s talk about the money!

“Sweat the Small Stuff”

In this feel-good society, where the small stuff rolls off our backs, where anger and sorrow are considered wrong, unproductive, and harmful. Not sweating the small stuff has led to a feeling of uselessness and hopelessness and we have been patiently waiting for someone bigger than ourselves to pick up the reigns and make people … Continue reading “Sweat the Small Stuff”

“Loved Into Being: A Stewardship Service”

Faith in Unitarian Universalism isn’t an intellectual exercise: it’s “heart” work. This full-length worship experience features a sermon by UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, as well as vibrant music, storytelling, and other worship elements that will help us to grow in spirit, in courage, and in generosity. Join us for this Stewardship Adventure. Video Link