Topic: Spirituality

Building Our Own Theology

This summer Rev. Jaimie and Nancy Finley taught an adult RE class based on the curriculum, “Building Your Own Theology.” This morning we will all reflect on what it means to create personal theology and we will hear credo statements from participants of the class!

Spirituality on Repeat

Sometimes our deepest spiritual experiences are one-offs: the retreat weekend, the sunrise hike, the unexpected moment of connection. But other times, the spiritual experiences that mean the most to us are the ones we do over and over again. Join us this Sunday as we reflect on the words, actions, songs and stories, repeated in … Continue reading Spirituality on Repeat

“We Keep Searching”

As Unitarian Universalists, ours is a lifelong search for truth and meaning. We wander and we wonder, and yet sometimes we can feel spiritually stuck. So, how do we get ourselves unstuck? How do we stumble into deeper knowing and greater connection? And how do we support each other, as a community of searchers? Zoom … Continue reading “We Keep Searching”

“Big Questions”

Rilke wrote, “Love the questions themselves… live the questions now.” On Sunday, Rev. Jaimie will lead a question box service by answering questions from the congregation. Bring your questions, your big theological questions, your questions about Unitarian Universalism, the questions that keep you wondering and growing spiritually. Please send in your questions to or … Continue reading “Big Questions”

“Loved Into Being: A Stewardship Service”

Faith in Unitarian Universalism isn’t an intellectual exercise: it’s “heart” work. This full-length worship experience features a sermon by UUA President Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray, as well as vibrant music, storytelling, and other worship elements that will help us to grow in spirit, in courage, and in generosity. Join us for this Stewardship Adventure. Video Link

“Bring Your Heart Along”

So often justice work and anti-racism work is about education and action. These two are so important, and we can’t forget that spirituality and faith are part of our journey towards the beloved community. Let’s engage our hearts and our spirits in practice and reflection this morning. Video Link