Topic: Reality

“The Heart of Humanism”

This week we have the great privilege of joining our friends at the Lake Chapala UU Fellowship in Jalisco, Mexico. We will log in to their zoom service at 10:30 AM Central Time (to be provided). Rev. Matt Alspaugh will lead the service. Here is his description: Humanism describes a religious movement that emphasizes human … Continue reading “The Heart of Humanism”

“Big Questions”

Rilke wrote, “Love the questions themselves… live the questions now.” On Sunday, Rev. Jaimie will lead a question box service by answering questions from the congregation. Bring your questions, your big theological questions, your questions about Unitarian Universalism, the questions that keep you wondering and growing spiritually. Please send in your questions to or … Continue reading “Big Questions”

“Imagine That”

Margaret Wheatley writes, “In this new world, you and I make it up as we go along, not because we lack expertise or planning skills, but because that is the nature of reality.” Is the life you have the one you imagined? How does our collective imagination shape the world we build together? Let us … Continue reading “Imagine That”