Topic: Gratitude

The Cost of Community

Video Available – We are well in the midst of our UUCH pledge season. In our community what we have is what we give, and what we spend is what we believe. Let’s explore how our money can be a reflection of our values….Let’s talk about the money!

Grateful, Grateful, Grateful

This Thanksgiving Sunday, return home to UUCH for a special outdoor worship service. Be with friends old and new, reflect on the beauty of fall and take in the seasonal reminder to practice gratitude. This service will take place outside the UUCH building. Masks are strongly recommended throughout, and will be required while singing. Please … Continue reading Grateful, Grateful, Grateful

“Rest and Play”

Sometimes in worship, every word and sound and song builds to a central theme. And other times we wander through worship, finding meaning in different themes and moments. This Sunday we will honor the Summer Solstice, celebrate Father’s Day, learn about Juneteenth, and remember that going into the hot summer months there is good wisdom … Continue reading “Rest and Play”

“The World’s on Fire (and We Still Fall in Love)”

The new year starts with renewed energy and purpose, even in a pandemic. Drawing upon scripture, spiritual practice, and original music, Unitarian Universalist Rev. Erin Walter will reflect on how to foster joy and gratitude in the midst of our ongoing struggles. Rev. Erin J. Walter (she/her/hers) is a minister, activist, and musician based in … Continue reading “The World’s on Fire (and We Still Fall in Love)”

“Oh, We Give Thanks”

As we gather in worship this Sunday before Thanksgiving, we know that this year the holidays will feel different. Our traditions and our traveling have been canceled or changed, and some of us are missing those who should have been around our tables but are no longer with us. And yet, somehow, gratitude persists! Let … Continue reading “Oh, We Give Thanks”