Topic: Family

“Building a Legacy”

At our very successful Virtual Service Auction this year, Tim Miller won the opportunity to choose a sermon topic for a Sunday Service. Based on the book, “Shaking the Gates of Hell: A Search for Family and Truth in the Wake of the Civil Rights Revolution” written by John Archibald, we will reflect on our … Continue reading “Building a Legacy”

“Rest and Play”

Sometimes in worship, every word and sound and song builds to a central theme. And other times we wander through worship, finding meaning in different themes and moments. This Sunday we will honor the Summer Solstice, celebrate Father’s Day, learn about Juneteenth, and remember that going into the hot summer months there is good wisdom … Continue reading “Rest and Play”

“Pride Service: Redefining Family Through Adoption”

Join us as we explore the idea of “chosen family.” Members of the LGBT Community often find support outside biological relatives and create new families through adoption. We’ll hear from a few examples of same-gender parents with non-traditional families. Video Link