Topic: Faith

“We Keep Searching”

As Unitarian Universalists, ours is a lifelong search for truth and meaning. We wander and we wonder, and yet sometimes we can feel spiritually stuck. So, how do we get ourselves unstuck? How do we stumble into deeper knowing and greater connection? And how do we support each other, as a community of searchers? Zoom … Continue reading “We Keep Searching”

Commitment Sunday

Who we love, who we choose, how we support each other, this is what tells us who we are and what we value. David Brooks writes, “Our lives are stories of recommitment.” We are nearing the threshold, we are visioning the time to come when we will reengage and reimagine our community. Let us reflect … Continue reading Commitment Sunday

“Bring Your Heart Along”

So often justice work and anti-racism work is about education and action. These two are so important, and we can’t forget that spirituality and faith are part of our journey towards the beloved community. Let’s engage our hearts and our spirits in practice and reflection this morning. Video Link

“Growing in Faith”

Rev. Jaimie has just served on the ministerial fellowshipping committee, the body that evaluates and approves candidates for UU ministry. And this week, UUCH is welcoming in new members who are excited to join this loving community. No matter how long Unitarian Universalism has been a part of your life, we know it is a … Continue reading “Growing in Faith”