Topic: Emergence

“I Am Willing”

Holly Near’s song “I Am Willing” featured in this week’s service, is a beloved anthem about how we hold on to hope and keep going despite our obstacles. It is an anthem of resilience, a promise to persist. How do we build up resilience in traumatic times? How do we stay willing and stay with … Continue reading “I Am Willing”

“Forgiving As We Go”

We are becoming something new, something we haven’t quite imagined yet. And in the process of becoming, we are going to bump heads and make mistakes. What could it look like to center forgiveness as we move in these uncharted waters? Who might we become with grace as our guide? Video Link

“The Longest Night”

The Winter Solstice is the threshold where we pass from longer nights to longer days. This is a sweet and sacred time. In community we reflect and imagine as we cross this threshold together. Join us for this ritual of firelight, sharing, and song. Video Link

Celebration of the Flower Communion

The annual celebration of our Flower Communion invites us to contemplate April’s theme of Emergence, reflected in the season of Easter, Passover, and Spring. As our sanctuary awakens in beauty with the color and form of flowers, we are reminded of the beauty of individual difference, as each personality emerges in the fullness of life.