Topic: Creativity

Christmas Pageant

Each winter our children in our CYRE program put on a pageant to retell the ancient story of a baby in a manger. This year will be a pageant like no other as we adapt this tradition and Joyce Poley’s beautiful pageant to fit our online world. Despite many things being different this Holiday season, … Continue reading Christmas Pageant

Annual Poetry Sunday

Join us as we enjoy original works and those of some of our favorite poets at this year’s Annual Poetry Sunday.  Our theme this year is Spirituality.

A Life Well Lived

This month our worship theme has been creativity; this Sunday we will explore the ways in which we create a life of meaning and purpose, drawing from the life of one of our own much beloved congregants, Ilene Sparks.

We Create

In this month, themed “Creativity,” we have been recognizing and celebrating the many uniquely creative paths we take/make as Unitarian Universalists to express our ever-evolving search for truth–from the creative ways Reverend Alice has inspired us by speaking her truth from the pulpit to the religious education teachers whose stories guide children and youth as … Continue reading We Create

A People of Creativity

A People of Creativity: A Farewell Sermon So often, we think of creativity as belonging to the realm of artists and poets. The truth is, life itself is a creative process. Relationships and interdependence remind us that we are co-creators with all that exists. As I prepare to close this chapter in my life, and … Continue reading A People of Creativity