Topic: Connecting

“We Keep Searching”

As Unitarian Universalists, ours is a lifelong search for truth and meaning. We wander and we wonder, and yet sometimes we can feel spiritually stuck. So, how do we get ourselves unstuck? How do we stumble into deeper knowing and greater connection? And how do we support each other, as a community of searchers? Zoom … Continue reading “We Keep Searching”

“Pride Service: Redefining Family Through Adoption”

Join us as we explore the idea of “chosen family.” Members of the LGBT Community often find support outside biological relatives and create new families through adoption. We’ll hear from a few examples of same-gender parents with non-traditional families. Video Link

“Becoming Beloved”

Our Universalist roots call us to an embracing, all-encompassing, salvific Love. This universal love meets us where we are and crucially also asks us to grow more whole through our encounters with each other. To embody this love, we must transform and be transformed by our commitments to lift each other up, to seek liberation … Continue reading “Becoming Beloved”

Commitment Sunday

Who we love, who we choose, how we support each other, this is what tells us who we are and what we value. David Brooks writes, “Our lives are stories of recommitment.” We are nearing the threshold, we are visioning the time to come when we will reengage and reimagine our community. Let us reflect … Continue reading Commitment Sunday

“Christmas Eve”

For Unitarian Universalists, Christmas Eve is a night of celebration and wonder. We remember that each night a child is born is a holy night and that we are connected to one another through ancient tradition and ritual. Join us for this special evening service of lessons and carols and the beloved ritual of lighting … Continue reading “Christmas Eve”