Topic: Community

The Cost of Community

Video Available – We are well in the midst of our UUCH pledge season. In our community what we have is what we give, and what we spend is what we believe. Let’s explore how our money can be a reflection of our values….Let’s talk about the money!

Raising the Roof

In this service we celebrate the good work of our congregation and the boundless potential we have to grow and shape our community for the better. With hope, let’s imagine all that will be possible through our generosity and commitment!

“Onward and Upward”

For generations, our Universalist and Unitarian ancestors-in-faith sought to grow the Beloved Community by fostering “the continuity of human development in all worlds, or, the progress of humanity onward and upward forever.” And yet, we know that progress is never linear, that there are always setbacks and disappointments along the way. How do we temper … Continue reading “Onward and Upward”

“The Heart of Humanism”

This week we have the great privilege of joining our friends at the Lake Chapala UU Fellowship in Jalisco, Mexico. We will log in to their zoom service at 10:30 AM Central Time (to be provided). Rev. Matt Alspaugh will lead the service. Here is his description: Humanism describes a religious movement that emphasizes human … Continue reading “The Heart of Humanism”

“There’s No Time!”

If someone asked you if you had a moment to contemplate and rest, might you respond, “There’s no time!”? Me, too. Many of us have been there, at least sometimes, grinding it out here in capitalism—caregivers, parents, laborers, teachers, workers, students, organizers, nurses, and others. Join Rev. Stevie as we explore rest and contemplation, not … Continue reading “There’s No Time!”

“Becoming Beloved”

Our Universalist roots call us to an embracing, all-encompassing, salvific Love. This universal love meets us where we are and crucially also asks us to grow more whole through our encounters with each other. To embody this love, we must transform and be transformed by our commitments to lift each other up, to seek liberation … Continue reading “Becoming Beloved”