Topic: Change

From Age to Age

Video Available – One important takeaway from our work with Interim DRE Sandra Greenfield is the understanding that future generations of our church have different needs, wants, and gifts than the generations before them. If we want to be a truly multi-generational community that loves and supports people of all ages, we need to learn … Continue reading From Age to Age

Embracing Change

“Embracing Change” As humans we love patterns, stability, and control. Yet, sometimes our patterns outlive their usefulness and what used to serve us well, begins to hold us back. How do we navigate change together? How does the practice of living with intention inspire us and help us to adapt to change? Join us to explore … Continue reading Embracing Change

The Perpetual Shift

The life and activism of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is rich with lessons and learnings. This year we look deeper at the ways his focus as an activist and organizer changed with the changing needs of the world.  On this MLK weekend, what might we learn from his example of flexibility and focus?