Topic: Balance

“Onward and Upward”

For generations, our Universalist and Unitarian ancestors-in-faith sought to grow the Beloved Community by fostering “the continuity of human development in all worlds, or, the progress of humanity onward and upward forever.” And yet, we know that progress is never linear, that there are always setbacks and disappointments along the way. How do we temper … Continue reading “Onward and Upward”

“There’s No Time!”

If someone asked you if you had a moment to contemplate and rest, might you respond, “There’s no time!”? Me, too. Many of us have been there, at least sometimes, grinding it out here in capitalism—caregivers, parents, laborers, teachers, workers, students, organizers, nurses, and others. Join Rev. Stevie as we explore rest and contemplation, not … Continue reading “There’s No Time!”

“Rest and Play”

Sometimes in worship, every word and sound and song builds to a central theme. And other times we wander through worship, finding meaning in different themes and moments. This Sunday we will honor the Summer Solstice, celebrate Father’s Day, learn about Juneteenth, and remember that going into the hot summer months there is good wisdom … Continue reading “Rest and Play”

EcoTheology 101

EcoTheology 101: When Expectations and Reality Collide Expectations forged during centuries of economic expansion and abundant resources are painful to let go of in times of economic contraction, scarce resources, and escalating global weirding. Grounded in an ecological interpretation of Big History, Rev. Dowd’s sermon will highlight the importance of big picture, deep-time legacy consciousness … Continue reading EcoTheology 101

A People of Balance

What does it mean to be a people of balance? That is the question we are asked to consider this month. Other questions come to mind, as well. How do you know when your life is out of balance? How do you restore balance? Keeping the Sabbath is a discipline of balance. From Sabbath we … Continue reading A People of Balance

Games People Play

The theme for March is Balance. This Sunday’s sermon is based on a topic suggested by John Schweinsberg, who won the bid for Sermon Topic of Your Choice at a UUCH Service Auction. John’s interest in Game Theory led me to questions about morality and the balance between cooperation and self-interest. What does game theory … Continue reading Games People Play