Topic: Ancestors

From Age to Age

Video Available – One important takeaway from our work with Interim DRE Sandra Greenfield is the understanding that future generations of our church have different needs, wants, and gifts than the generations before them. If we want to be a truly multi-generational community that loves and supports people of all ages, we need to learn … Continue reading From Age to Age

“Onward and Upward”

For generations, our Universalist and Unitarian ancestors-in-faith sought to grow the Beloved Community by fostering “the continuity of human development in all worlds, or, the progress of humanity onward and upward forever.” And yet, we know that progress is never linear, that there are always setbacks and disappointments along the way. How do we temper … Continue reading “Onward and Upward”

“Mother’s Day for Peace”

This Mother’s Day, join us for a service that explores the history of this celebration, honors the tension and complexity of this day, and celebrates the ways that we all can engage with love and nurturing. This Sunday we will also welcome three new members into our church family! Video Link

“Christmas Eve”

For Unitarian Universalists, Christmas Eve is a night of celebration and wonder. We remember that each night a child is born is a holy night and that we are connected to one another through ancient tradition and ritual. Join us for this special evening service of lessons and carols and the beloved ritual of lighting … Continue reading “Christmas Eve”

“The Longest Night”

The Winter Solstice is the threshold where we pass from longer nights to longer days. This is a sweet and sacred time. In community we reflect and imagine as we cross this threshold together. Join us for this ritual of firelight, sharing, and song. Video Link

“Remembrance Sunday”

Across culture and religious tradition, at this time of the year people of faith honor those who have died and connect more deeply with their ancestors. In this year where we have experienced so much death and grief, we need now more than ever space and time to hold the memory of those beloveds lost. … Continue reading “Remembrance Sunday”