Speaker: Rev. Alice Syltie

Our very own.


“Storysharing: Celebrating a Year in Children and Youth Religious Education” Join in a lively, multi-generational worship service that celebrates our year in Children and Youth RE, sharing the stories and spiritual themes we’ve explored. Children and youth will help lead our liturgy, presenting what they have learned and accomplished this year. In addition, we will … Continue reading Storysharing

Radical Transformation

Radical Transformation: Our Annual Flower Communion Service and Celebration of the Season for All Ages The Easter story is a story of transformation. In this season of new life and renewal, we celebrate the gift of life and the transforming power of love. Our worship will include a special message for all ages, the giving … Continue reading Radical Transformation

All of Us

The Huntsville Feminist Chorus, directed by our UUCH Music Director, Pam Siegler, presents a story in song from their recent Spring Program. This chorus program is part of the UAH Women’s and Gender Studies “Interfaith Conversations” series this spring. We celebrate the diversity of spiritualities that weave us all together and enable us to accomplish … Continue reading All of Us

Standing on Sacred Ground

Where is the Sacred Ground of our Unitarian Universalist faith?  What risks do we take when we embrace a religion without a creed?  How do we know what to believe?  Have you asked yourself any of these questions?  As we close out our month of contemplating what it means to be a Community of Risk, … Continue reading Standing on Sacred Ground

Tending the Flame

The Unitarian Service Committee adopted our Flaming Chalice for use in 1941. Among other things, it has been a symbol for us of freedom, commitment, sacrifice, courage, and illumination. We tend the flame of our faith by remembering the stories of our history and the vision they offer us for a future of justice, compassion, … Continue reading Tending the Flame