Speaker: Rev. Alice Syltie

Our very own.

New Beginnings

The Huntsville Feminist Chorus, directed by our UUCH Music Director, Pam Siegler, will present part of their Solstice program, “New Beginnings.” The chorus will sing an eclectic array of songs that evoke questions and offer answers about the many ways renewal and fresh start opportunities are inherent in our lives. In this month of “Intention,” there … Continue reading New Beginnings

A Merry Christmas Wish

This musical, multi-generational service celebrates the spirit of the holiday season. The Children’s and Youth Religious Education (CYRE) Program will present our own adaptation of Joyce Poley’s service, “The Spirit of the Christmas Tree,” retelling the story of the Nativity from a Unitarian Universalist perspective and inviting the congregation into reflection on its meaning for … Continue reading A Merry Christmas Wish

Blending of the Waters

A multi-generational blending of the waters ceremony, or water communion, marking the end of the summer season has been a tradition in Unitarian Universalist congregations for many years.  As we mingle the waters of our separate journeys, we honor what each of us brings to the common life we share in our UU community. Each person … Continue reading Blending of the Waters

Welcoming Sabbath

Our theme for September is “Welcome” and we are asked to consider what it means to be a people of welcome. Usually when we think of welcoming, we imagine taking more in, expanding our circle. Do we recognize, also, that welcoming involves right sizing our needs and putting our preferences second. Those of us who are … Continue reading Welcoming Sabbath

Shall I Get Up This Morning

The Reverend Kenneth Gordon Hurto is the Lead Executive for the Southern Region of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Rev. Kenn has served Unitarian Universalist ministries for 45 years in a variety of settings: congregations in Indiana and Iowa, northern Virginia, Pennsylvania, in New Zealand and Australia–and most recently in Fort Myers, Florida. Widely sought out … Continue reading Shall I Get Up This Morning

Resist and Rejoice

The Resist and Rejoice! theme of this year’s General Assembly calls us to embody a more anti-racist, anti-oppressive, and multicultural faith. Bryan Stevenson, this year’s Ware Lecture speaker, reminded us that being in proximity with people is an important step in fulfilling this mission. This Sunday, we welcome Dexter Strong and Aaron McNully, from REACHsv … Continue reading Resist and Rejoice

In Search of Joy

Our theme this month asks us to consider where and how we find joy in our lives. We take for granted that joy is a necessary element of a good life. And yet, joy is often illusive and defies definition. There are good times and bad times, as Ric Masten reminds us in his song, … Continue reading In Search of Joy