Speaker: Rev. Jaimie Dingus

“An 8th Principle for Unitarian Universalism”

Unitarian Universalism covenants around 7 principles that guide our lives and encourage us toward spiritual deepening. In 2013 Black UU leaders and theologians proposed an 8th principle to guide us toward more intentional racial justice work in our congregations. Let’s learn and reflect together on this new principle and how it might bring our congregation … Continue reading “An 8th Principle for Unitarian Universalism”

“Imagine That”

Margaret Wheatley writes, “In this new world, you and I make it up as we go along, not because we lack expertise or planning skills, but because that is the nature of reality.” Is the life you have the one you imagined? How does our collective imagination shape the world we build together? Let us … Continue reading “Imagine That”

“The Responsible Search”

On this Martin Luther King Jr. Day Sunday, Rev. Jaimie and Music Director, Pam Siegler are collaborating to offer a worship service about justice, music, and our fourth principle, “the free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” They will each share reflections, and Pam will explore how these themes connect to James Weldon Johnson’s … Continue reading “The Responsible Search”

“Another Day is Dawning”

What a year we have had! So much has changed, and so much has challenged us. And, we are just beginning to see real signs of hope on the horizon. In this service, we will ritualize the ending of 2020 and welcome in the promise of 2021 with the Fire Communion Ceremony. Video Link

“Christmas Eve”

For Unitarian Universalists, Christmas Eve is a night of celebration and wonder. We remember that each night a child is born is a holy night and that we are connected to one another through ancient tradition and ritual. Join us for this special evening service of lessons and carols and the beloved ritual of lighting … Continue reading “Christmas Eve”

Christmas Pageant

Each winter our children in our CYRE program put on a pageant to retell the ancient story of a baby in a manger. This year will be a pageant like no other as we adapt this tradition and Joyce Poley’s beautiful pageant to fit our online world. Despite many things being different this Holiday season, … Continue reading Christmas Pageant

“The Earth Grows Still”

There is a welcome predictability in the ever-turning Earth. As we move toward the stillness of winter, what lessons can we learn from this planet we call home? What deep centering is possible when we pause and reflect in nature? Video Link

“Oh, We Give Thanks”

As we gather in worship this Sunday before Thanksgiving, we know that this year the holidays will feel different. Our traditions and our traveling have been canceled or changed, and some of us are missing those who should have been around our tables but are no longer with us. And yet, somehow, gratitude persists! Let … Continue reading “Oh, We Give Thanks”