Speaker: Rev. Jaimie Dingus

Water Communion

Return Again, Return Again, Return to the Home of your Soul! Join us this Sunday as we regather in beloved community. We will celebrate our UU Ritual of Water Communion and focus our hearts on the challenges and opportunities of this year ahead. Bring some water from your home or a place that feels sacred … Continue reading Water Communion

Encounters with Art

Paul DeMoor was our other auction sermon winner, and he asked Rev. Jaimie to reflect on “Encounters: with Dean Mitchell” an exhibit recently displayed at the Huntsville Art Museum. Join us as we explore the intersections of race, art, theology and meaning making!

What’s In a Song?

Cam Scales was one of the winners of this year’s auction sermons, and she presented Rev. Jaimie with a fun challenge. In this service, she will work to incoporate as many song titles as she possibly can into a cohesive and meaningful service. How many will you recognize? Worship with us this Sunday, and find … Continue reading What’s In a Song?

Building Our Own Theology

This summer Rev. Jaimie and Nancy Finley taught an adult RE class based on the curriculum, “Building Your Own Theology.” This morning we will all reflect on what it means to create personal theology and we will hear credo statements from participants of the class!

Raising the Roof

In this service we celebrate the good work of our congregation and the boundless potential we have to grow and shape our community for the better. With hope, let’s imagine all that will be possible through our generosity and commitment!

Widening the Circle for Justice

In 2020, the UUAs “Widening the Circle Report” began a conversation on how Unitarian Universalism might best live into its commitments to Justice and Equity. Let’s explore how we might implement these findings in our own community, widening the circle for justice, compassion and love! 

Widening the Circle in Love

Let’s talk about love! Love that includes, love that embraces, love that opens up new possibilities! As Unitarian Universalists our First Principle calls us to widen the circle of love so that no one falls outside of it. How might we embody that radical call to love? 

The Perpetual Shift

The life and activism of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is rich with lessons and learnings. This year we look deeper at the ways his focus as an activist and organizer changed with the changing needs of the world.  On this MLK weekend, what might we learn from his example of flexibility and focus?