Speaker: Rev. Jaimie Dingus

From Age to Age

Video Available – One important takeaway from our work with Interim DRE Sandra Greenfield is the understanding that future generations of our church have different needs, wants, and gifts than the generations before them. If we want to be a truly multi-generational community that loves and supports people of all ages, we need to learn … Continue reading From Age to Age

Acts of Love

Video Available – “And Service be its prayer.” Each week we say that service to our community is the prayer of our congregation. Join us as members of UUCH reflect on their service to the community and we all recommit to the work of justice!

Values at the Center

In our congregation, we speak often about our shared values or about leading with our values. But how do we know what are values are? Let’s explore together how we can identify and then live more deeply in line with our values!

Relationship at the Center

Martin Luther King Jr’s legacy of community organizing and activism put relationships at the center. Together we will explore the power of relationships to transform a community, and remember the powerful impact of this important faith leader.

Diwali: a Festival of Lights

UUCH Board Member, Shalin Mody, grew up practicing Hinduism and celebrating the festival of Diwali. Shalin will share about the meaning of this tradition, and Rev. Jaimie will reflect on what we as Unitarian Universalists can learn from this celebration.