Speaker: Multigenerations

“Rest and Play”

Sometimes in worship, every word and sound and song builds to a central theme. And other times we wander through worship, finding meaning in different themes and moments. This Sunday we will honor the Summer Solstice, celebrate Father’s Day, learn about Juneteenth, and remember that going into the hot summer months there is good wisdom … Continue reading “Rest and Play”

“Seven Principles, Seven Pandemics, Many Stories: A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service”

The YOUUTH Group will lead this powerful worship service exploring how our UU principles speak to big issues facing our world. The kids in the morning CYRE Group will share a story for all ages that they wrote and illustrated. Our young people will be supported in their ministry by Erin Reid, DRE, Harper Goodman, … Continue reading “Seven Principles, Seven Pandemics, Many Stories: A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service”

“Another Day is Dawning”

What a year we have had! So much has changed, and so much has challenged us. And, we are just beginning to see real signs of hope on the horizon. In this service, we will ritualize the ending of 2020 and welcome in the promise of 2021 with the Fire Communion Ceremony. Video Link

Christmas Pageant

Each winter our children in our CYRE program put on a pageant to retell the ancient story of a baby in a manger. This year will be a pageant like no other as we adapt this tradition and Joyce Poley’s beautiful pageant to fit our online world. Despite many things being different this Holiday season, … Continue reading Christmas Pageant