Speaker: DRE Erin Reid

Storysharing: Getting to Know Ourselves, Each Other, and the World

Stories are powerful ways of sharing experiences that are bigger than rational explanations, getting to know the lives of friends and strangers, connecting with each other’s similarities and differences, inspiring us to compassion and social responsibility, exemplifying our UU principles, and probing our multi-faceted sources. This year children and youth will participate in religious education … Continue reading Storysharing: Getting to Know Ourselves, Each Other, and the World

Heart Talk: Celebrating a Year in Children and Youth Religious Education

Join in a lively, multi-generational worship service that celebrates our year in Children and Youth Religious Education, exploring how we talk and listen from the heart. Children and youth will help lead our liturgy, sharing what they have learned and accomplished this year, and we will recognize our dedicated Children and Youth RE teachers and … Continue reading Heart Talk: Celebrating a Year in Children and Youth Religious Education

Communicating from the Heart

A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service Join the Transformers and Searchers Youth in a creative youth-led multigenerational service that explores ways we can communicate from our hearts. Through drama, music, art, and more, we will continue to investigate how Compassionate Communication, or Heart Talk, helps us learn authentic ways to connect with each other based on our … Continue reading Communicating from the Heart

Would You Like to Hold the Baby

Our Annual Christmas Pageant!  The Children’s and Youth Religious Education program presents Joyce Poley’s “Would You Like to Hold the Baby,” retelling the Nativity Story from a Unitarian Universalist perspective and inviting the congregation into reflection on its meaning for today. This musical, multi-generational service features the UUCH Choir, congregational singing, a Christmas pageant of … Continue reading Would You Like to Hold the Baby