This is the first of a two-part sermon series on Memory, which is the theme of this month’s Soul Matters sharing circles to which many of our members belong. We are fortunate at this congregation to have such an active Soul Matters program. Soul Matters facilitates the opportunity for everyone involved to study and reflect on the same theme each month. We make the attempt to have our services reflect what is being studied in our Soul Matters groups. Please contact Nancy Finley if you wish to be a part of this important and exciting program.
Regarding my sermon for this week: we human beings are unique among the species of the earth in regard to the importance of memory. We are who we are to a large extent based on an identity flowing from our memories.
A society also has an identity based in collective memories. The identity flowing from these collective memories can affect all individuals living within that society deeply. We are living in a time when the larger society we are a part of has forgotten what this country represents. We all feel the winds of barbarism stirring in certain quarters of society. The recent horrific slaying at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh is one example of this. We are a people, it seems, who have forgotten who we are.
This Sunday I will explore what our best individual and collective memory calls us to be. This Sunday will also be New Member Sunday.
Topics: Memory