Much of what our Unitarian Universalist Principles call us to affirm and promote is at risk. Clete Wetli says it is more important now than ever to be persistent about activism in support of the issues you care about. Being an activist does not have to mean being the center of attention. You might be surprised at the productive ways you can work for the causes you care about, using your own unique gifts. Being fearful is understandable. Yet, how might we find the courage to show up for what we believe is right?
Clete Wetli has a long history of working for social causes and organizations promoting values consistent with Unitarian Universalism, such as the Interfaith Mission Service, First Stop, REACHsv and Free2Be. It’s my pleasure to invite him back to UUCH to share with us again this Sunday.
–Rev. Alice
–Rev. Alice
Speaker: Clete Wetli