A Youth-Led Multigenerational Service
Join the Transformers and Searchers Youth in a creative youth-led multigenerational service that explores ways we can communicate from our hearts. Through drama, music, art, and more, we will continue to investigate how Compassionate Communication, or Heart Talk, helps us learn authentic ways to connect with each other based on our UU principles and unlearn negative forms of communication socialized in our culture. Youth have been preparing and helping create this service for the last three weeks, and the RE children have made a special gift for the congregation. This is a fun, colorful, interactive service you won’t want to miss. The UUCH Choir will sing a special selection. (A note for families with young children: activities will be engaging and appropriate for all ages, and the service will be shorter than usual so that our younger members can participate comfortably).
As a congregation-wide social justice activity, all are invited to bring to this service an item to share with the church’s homeless outreach.
The Social Justice Committee and Children and Youth Religious Education Program will be holding a RE Creative Service Sunday in March where children and youth will assemble meal packs for distribution in the community.
Needed items include individual servings of canned fruit, cracker packs, pudding cups, juice boxes, canned meat (pull-tops, e.g. Vienna sausage), travel-sized hygiene products, and gallon-sized Ziplock bags. This will be an ongoing collection through March 13th.