Last week Reverend Carlton Smith told us that we were a people of boldness, compassion and reverence. He was referring to our UU Brand Identity.
From the Unitarian Universalist Association website,
“Working from the core values of boldness, compassion and reverence, which were identified through extensive conversations with UUs from across the country, the brand identity includes graphics, text and images that communicate these values from the first impression…The more UU congregations, groups and individuals who use the brand identity, the louder our voices can become and the more likely we are to break through the media noise with our message of healing and hope.”
This week we will present some of the UUA’s findings leading to the identifying of those three core values and reflect on how we might live and project that identity in our congregation and our individual lives. We will also enjoy some harmonica and ukulele playing, as well as sing guitar led hymns. It’s going to be a bold service. Full of compassion and reverence. Join us…
Speaker: Angel Hundley