“Audacious Love”

Courageous. Enterprising. Dynamic and Spirited. How is our praxis of love? To love is our most fundamental task but too often its power slips through our grasp like unyielding sand. Together, let’s explore ways we can deepen the discipline of love to harvest power and dignity for all.

Sara’s Bio: Rev. Sara Green roots for the Saints, stays ready for Mardi Gras year-round, and is learning all the time about justice, community, singing, and integrity. She is a queer Black momma to Peyton, Makenzy, and Emile and partner to Hunstville-born Ben. She is affiliated as a community minister with First UU Church of Nashville and graduated from Vanderbilt Divinity School. She works as the Youth and Young Adult Program Manager at the UUA, running programs specifically for the youth of color and young adult organizers and change-makers. Moving her body through dance, singing justice songs quietly to herself, and cooking meals entirely from scratch are some of her spiritual practices.

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