A Diverse and Educational DVD Collection
One of our members, Michael Scarborough, has generously donated to our church library an extensive DVD collection gathered over many years. The collection, in four boxes, and a catalog of its contents, are in the large bookcase in the Adult RE/ Library room. The 21-page catalog contains over 900 entries grouped in 36 categories, which include:

- Movies (385 entries),
- Biographies (51 entries),
- Documentaries (61 entries),
- Physics (19 entries),
- Religion (12 entries),
- Over 370 entries in 31 other categories (Evolution, History…)
Church members are welcome to borrow a DVD for a period of two weeks by following the procedure described in the catalog. This is a wonderful opportunity to watch,
without commercial interruption, fascinating presentations on a wide range of topics, to see again your favorite movies, or to watch for the first time some of those you’re sorry that you missed. Thanks, Michael!