Extra Potluck in December
Yalda…Yule… Habari Gani… Christmas… Hanukkah…. Malkh…Saturnalia…Dies Natalis Solis Invicti…Panacha Ganapati…Bah Humbug!

Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, Kim and Shiela Burrows, [UUCH Member/Friend], Steve Rittenberg, Barbara and Gary Hitt invite you to join them for a potluck lunch immediately following the service December 25th. They will provide ham, hashbrown casserole, dressing, sweet potato casserole, dinner rolls, salad and drinks.
Contributions of Vegan/vegetarian dishes and desserts would be welcomed but are not necessary. If you are planning to attend the service on December 25th, please plan to have lunch with your “Church Family.” Potluck on December 25th will not affect the usual potluck on the first Sunday of January (January 1st, 2017).