Let’s Put the “Fun” Back in Fundraising. Many of the church fundraising events we have during the year are not just about raising money; they are about building community and socializing. In the past, events like Chili Cook-offs, Sing-a-longs, Auctions, Book Sales, and Yard Sales have hatched some of our best opportunities to have fun together, work together, and really get to know each other. Physical distancing necessitated by the pandemic has made it a challenging time for our church, but we are proud to say that through the ingenuity of our members, we are continuing to fulfill the mission of our church.
Now we need to use our imaginations to think of fun fundraising events that give us ways to safely socialize and maybe raise a bit of money. So we are calling on all you brilliant UUs to dream up some interesting ideas. We are not asking you to organize an event (although you are welcome to volunteer). We just want some ideas for events that are fun and comply with our church’s COVID-19 policy. How about a Zoom bingo game, virtual silent auction, online mystery party, or craft fair? Let’s get really creative!
Send your ideas to the Board. We will sift through them and try to link them up with people who have the interest and skills to organize some of them. If you have any interest in helping organize, let us know, too. For now, WE WANT YOUR IDEAS!
Submitted by the Board