Author: UUCH Web Team

Save the Date!

Our February movie night is trading places with the Chili Cook-off. The next movie night will be held on January 21st instead of February 4th. More details to follow.   Hosted by your UUCH Children and Youth Religious Education Committee.

New Year, New Newsletter!

A New Look for our Newsletter We’ve given the newsletter a facelift for the New Year! We’re using the UUA’s branding recommendations–their color palette and logos, customized to make the newsletter UUCH’s own. Happy New Year! -Laurel Bollinger, Deedee Moore, and Willette Battle

New UUCH Office Administrator

Welcome Willette Battle! The UUCH Personnel Committee (Board Pres. Laurel Bollinger, Rev. Alice Syltie, Board Trustee Susan Coddington, and Membership Committee Chair Pam Korb) has hired Willette Battle via Kelly Services to become the UUCH office administrator when Deedee Moore retires on December 23rd. Willette is already at work and training for her new duties. Willette … Continue reading New UUCH Office Administrator

UU Youth Plays Santa

Our UU Youth and Children had fun gift shopping for the kids from the Alabama Hispanic Association. Gifts were given to the AHA children during their Christmas Dinner held last Saturday. Ho, ho, ho!

Christmas Day Potluck!

Extra Potluck in December Yalda…Yule… Habari Gani… Christmas… Hanukkah…. Malkh…Saturnalia…Dies Natalis Solis Invicti…Panacha Ganapati…Bah Humbug! Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, Kim and Shiela Burrows, [UUCH Member/Friend], Steve Rittenberg, Barbara and Gary Hitt invite you to join them for a potluck lunch immediately following the service December 25th. They will provide ham, hashbrown … Continue reading Christmas Day Potluck!

New Listening Devices

Trouble Hearing During Worship Services? UUCH has purchased a number of devices to help hard-of-hearing members of the congregation listen to services.  Need one?  Just ask the greeter Sunday as you come in and return the device after the service!

DVD Collection Donated to UUCH

A Diverse and Educational DVD Collection One of our members, Michael Scarborough, has generously donated to our church library an extensive DVD collection gathered over many years. The collection, in four boxes, and a catalog of its contents, are in the large bookcase in the Adult RE/ Library room. The 21-page catalog contains over 900 … Continue reading DVD Collection Donated to UUCH

Standing on the Side of Love

On Saturday, Nov. 12th, Moms from the Alabama Hispanic Association (AHA) gathered at UUCH to share their stories in a Solace Circle with Rev. Alice Syltie and Hilda Mary Esguerra, President of the AHA. Meanwhile, many UUCH volunteers entertained their children. Thanks to Betsy Applegate, Erin Reid and all who helped with organizing, refreshments, and … Continue reading Standing on the Side of Love