Author: UUCH Web Team

Music Notes

A Note from Our Music Director Hi all! I wanted to take a minute to let you know what I’ve been doing in the Music Leadership Credentialing Program through the Unitarian Universalist Musician’s Network. I’m finishing my second year with two courses, Music and Worship (M&W) and Directing and Managing a Music Program (DAMAMP). M&W … Continue reading Music Notes

Chili Cook-Off is a Winner

Chili Queen Fran Alexander is Crowned! It was quite an evening! For the next year, Fran Alexander can proudly wear the chili crown and cape and wave the Coveted Red Ladle! This is her second win and  we bow to her chili expertise. Winners: Best in Show: Queen Fran Alexander Medium: Kim Burrows Hot: David Bollinger White: Laurel Bollinger Veggie: Evan Miller Luscious chili from … Continue reading Chili Cook-Off is a Winner

Homeless Outreach

Ongoing Homeless Outreach Collection As a congregation-wide social justice activity, all are invited to bring to church an item to share with the church’s homeless outreach. The Social Justice Committee and Children and Youth Religious Education Program will be holding an RE Creative Service Sunday in March where children and youth will assemble meal packs … Continue reading Homeless Outreach

Ramp Under Construction

A Message from the Property Committee All, The ramp at the Fellowship Hall will be under construction on the following days: Thursday, February 9th: Breaking up the sloped part of the old ramp (the Fellowship Hall entrance will only be accessible by walking across the grass next to the ramp). Friday, February 10th: Pouring a … Continue reading Ramp Under Construction

UUCH Annual Certification

How UUCH is seen by the UUA Each January, the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) asks UU congregations nationwide to report specific data. The following information was reported by UUCH to the UUA in January of 2017: Current membership: 160 Average Sunday attendance: 112 (calendar year 2016) Current RE registration: 80 For comparison purposes, the following … Continue reading UUCH Annual Certification

Sharing Sunday

First Sunday On the first Sunday of each month, we Share the Plate during the offering, Share our lunch with each other during Potluck, and Share our Bounty by filing the Food Basket! Please don’t forget to bring non-perishable food and hygiene items for the food basket, to be donated to the Huntsville Assistance Program … Continue reading Sharing Sunday

AL Arise Legislative Day

The 2017 Alabama Arise Legislative Day is Tuesday, February 28th in Montgomery. We will meet as a group to get briefed on the issues, attend a legislative reception, and visit our legislators. For more information, please go to To RSVP for the reception/lunch, please do so by February 17th, as seating is limited. For … Continue reading AL Arise Legislative Day

Annual Budget Drive

SAVE THE DATE! What: UUCH Church-wide Fellowship Dinner When: March 25th, 6:00 – 9:00 pm Where: Weatherly Height Baptist Church 1306 Canstatt Drive, Huntsville, AL 35803 Why: Please mark your calendars for a night of food, entertainment, fellowship, and information as we kick off our Annual Budget Drive (ABD) with a church-wide fellowship dinner. This … Continue reading Annual Budget Drive

“New UU” Class

Starts February 19th What does it mean to be a Unitarian Universalist? Guided by the Tapestry of Faith Curriculum, we will offer a three-part series that explores important themes in UU congregational life–our worship and theology; history, covenant and polity; faith development, social justice, and membership. This program is focused on introducing newcomers to Unitarian … Continue reading “New UU” Class