Author: UUCH Web Team

Huntsville Assistance Program

The Social Justice Committee has a goal to collect at least 100 items each month for the food pantry. Please put your nonperishable food items or personal care products donations in the basket in the church foyer for the Huntsville Assistance Program. Please, no canned corn, beans, or peas! They are currently overloaded with those … Continue reading Huntsville Assistance Program

New Committee Chairs

Our 2019-20 church year is off to a great start with the election of our new committee chairs!  We are eternally grateful to all those who are rotating off of committees and those returning for a another year, and we warmly welcome our new round of volunteers into leadership roles.   Care – LaDawn Edwards … Continue reading New Committee Chairs

Name the Newsletter

What’s in a Name?    Did you know that our weekly email newsletter has a name? Before we moved into our current building five years ago, our church was tucked away on a slope up the mountain, overlooking a beautiful vista of trees. It was that hilltop view that inspired our newsletter to be dubbed … Continue reading Name the Newsletter

UU Musicians Network

Note from Our Music Director Hi all! The Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network is using this photo from last year’s conference as their title page for this year’s registration! I think this is the workshop where we read/sang through new submissions by UU composers. Can you spot anyone you recognize who is in attendance? Thank you so … Continue reading UU Musicians Network

Defying the Nazis

They risked everything “Defying the Nazis: The Sharp’s War” Showing at UUCH March 15th 7:00 – 8:30 pm In March, we will have a special film for our Wednesday night Adult RE Film Series. Martha and Waitstill Sharp, two young Unitarians, stood up against injustice to defy the Nazis and rescue dissidents, Jews, and other … Continue reading Defying the Nazis

UUCH Yard Sale!

It’s that time of year again! The time when you’re ready and willing to clean out your closets, your drawers, your attics, and your garages. Toward that end, we’ll be hosting the Annual UUCH Yard Sale at the church on Saturday, May 20th, 7 a.m. – 1 p.m. HOW YOU CAN HELP: Mark the date, … Continue reading UUCH Yard Sale!

UU Musicians Network

A Note from Our Music Director Hi all! The Unitarian Universalist Musicians Network is using this photo from last year’s conference as their title page for this year’s registration! I think this is the workshop where we read/sang through new submissions by UU composers. Can you spot anyone you recognize who is in attendance? Thank … Continue reading UU Musicians Network

Membership Ceremony

Are You Ready to Become a Member? If you’ve been attending UUCH long enough to know that this church community feels like your spiritual home, you may be ready to take the next step and become a member. On Sunday, April 9th, we will welcome new members as they “sign the book” and officially join … Continue reading Membership Ceremony